Nine Star Enterprises, Inc

125 West 5th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska 99501, USA



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125 West 5th Avenue
Alaska 99501

Lokalita školy

To, co se nyní nazývá Nine Star Enterprises, Inc. (dba Nine Star Education & Employment Services), bylo založeno v roce 1976 jako široká vzdělávací instituce. Jeho první kanceláře byly umístěny v areálu univerzity v Aljašce a Tichomoří. V prosinci 1994 dokončila Nine Star finální papírování, aby získala vlastní budovu v centru Anchorage na 125 West Fifth Avenue.

V posledních letech společnost Nine Star zřídila kanceláře na sedmi místech na jihovýchodním Aljašce - Mountain View, Midtown, čtyři kanceláře v centru Anchorage a nejnovější dosah ve Wasille.


Otázky a odpovědi

Máte dotaz? Získejte odpovědi od personálu a předchozích studentů zařízení Nine Star Enterprises, Inc.

Položit otázku

"Hello. I speak English but badly. Not enough grammar. Tell me please, how much is the training, how much time? I am in Russia, but I would like to live in Alaska while learning a language."

Дмитрий Stolyar, studenti od Rusko
Sandra, Nine Star Education & Employment Services school representative (Director, Adult Basic Education)

We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. If you move to the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.

Bylo to užitečné? Ano

"Hi, I would like to know more about the courses, prices and fees"

Luisa Zilli, studenti od Brazílie
Sandra, Nine Star Education & Employment Services school representative (Director, Adult Basic Education)

We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes and GED prep for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are $40/session. If you move to the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.

Bylo to užitečné? Ano

"Que duración tiene el curso, cuando comienzan"

Juan Pablo Miserendino, studenti od Brazílie
Sandra, Nine Star Education & Employment Services school representative (Director, Adult Basic Education)

We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are 8-10 weeks long and meet 4 days/week. The cost of classes is $40/session. If you live in the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.

Bylo to užitečné? Ano

"Que duración tiene el curso, cuando comienzan"

Juan Pablo Miserendino, studenti od Brazílie
Sandra, Nine Star Education & Employment Services school representative (Director, Adult Basic Education)

We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are 8-10 weeks long and meet 4 days/week. The cost of classes is $40/session. If you live in the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.

Bylo to užitečné? Ano

"Que duración tiene el curso, cuando comienzan"

Juan Pablo Miserendino, studenti od Brazílie
Sandra, Nine Star Education & Employment Services school representative (Director, Adult Basic Education)

We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are 8-10 weeks long and meet 4 days/week. The cost of classes is $40/session. If you live in the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.

Bylo to užitečné? Ano

"Que duración tiene el curso, cuando comienzan"

Juan Pablo Miserendino, studenti od Brazílie
Sandra, Nine Star Education & Employment Services school representative (Director, Adult Basic Education)

We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are 8-10 weeks long and meet 4 days/week. The cost of classes is $40/session. If you live in the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.

Bylo to užitečné? Ano

"Que duración tiene el curso, cuando comienzan"

Juan Pablo Miserendino, studenti od Brazílie
Sandra, Nine Star Education & Employment Services school representative (Director, Adult Basic Education)

We are a non-profit organization that provides ESL classes for individuals living in the Anchorage area. Classes are 8-10 weeks long and meet 4 days/week. The cost of classes is $40/session. If you live in the Anchorage area and are interested in classes, stop by our office for more detailed information.

Bylo to užitečné? Ano