Seniors Programme

Biarritz Language Courses Institute


Témata kurzu

Naslouchání, mluvení, výslovnost, čtení, psaní, slovník, gramatika a aktivity

Rozvrh hodin

Délka kurzu
1-2 týdny
lekcí za týden
20 lessons per week (každá lekce trvá minimálně 45 minut)
Výukové dny
pondělí - pátek

Vyučovací hodiny

You can choose from the following class times:

Dopolední blok
09:30 - 12:30

Rozvrh hodin se může měnit v závoslosti na ročním období.

Popis kurzu

The Basque Coast is located between the mountain and the ocean. Rich in history, culture, tradition, cuisine and architecture, we offer you a unique journey to discover all these wonders while learning the French language Our program is essentially composed of people over and around 50 years old.

IMPORTANT : Morning group lessons are with all ages, ONLY afternoon activities are with 50+ exclusively

Every class encourages student development in comprehension, written and oral expression.

Benefits include:
Individual attention and small classes Native French lecturers, fully-licensed in French as a foreign language.
Audiovisual support, print media and language manuals.
Afternoon activities are accompanied by an official school member. Transport and entrance fees are all included. Please note, meals and drinks are not included.

Number of lessons: 20
Time: Monday to Friday, 9:30h to 12:30h.
Location: BLCI- 26 bis avenue Voltaire in Biarritz.

8:30h to 9:30h
Level test and presentation of the school and course program

9:30h-12:30h : BLCI French course

13:30h: Guided tour of Biarritz and visit the Museum de la Mer

9:30h-12:30h: BLCI French course
12:30h-13:30h: Lunch break
13:30h: Guided tour of the city of Saint Jean de Luz

9:30h-12:30h: BLCI French course
12:30h-13:30h: Lunch break
13:30h: Mountain hiking. Discover the fauna and flora of the Basque mountains with a panoramic view the coast.

9:30h-12:30h: BLCI French course
12:30h-13:30h: Lunch break
13:30h: Visit Arnaga house and its beautiful gardens: and view the city of Saint Jean Pied de Port, step of the Way of Santiago de Compostella

9:30h-12:30h: BLCI French course
12:30h-13:30h: Lunch break
13:30h: Free afternoon and Farewell Dinner at night

Departure for the student of 1 week program.

For the students of 2 weeks program,
Visit to Saint Sébastien
10:00h: Departure from the school, through the corniche of Saint Jean de Luz to Hendaye, with a brief stop at the top of Jaizkibel to enjoy the panoramic view of the Basque coast
11:30h: Visit to San Sebastian, free afternoon to get to know the city and its most varied tapas bars, immersion in culinary and Basque culture.

Around 18:00h: direct return to Biarritz (approximately 40 minutes)

Sunday: free day

Second Week

9:30h-12:30h: BLCI French course
12:30h-13:30h: Lunch break
13:30h: Visit the caves and the small town of Sare

9:30h-12:30h: BLCI French course
12:30h-13:30h: Lunch break
13:30h: French Cooking Class

9:30h-12:30h: BLCI French course
12:30h-13:30h: Lunch break
13:30h: Ascent to La Rhune by train:
Optional descent, on foot or by train

9:30h-12:30h: BLCI French course
12:30h-13:30h: Lunch break
13:30h: Guided tour of the city of Bayonne

9:30h-12:30h: BLCI French course
12:30h-13:30h: Lunch break
13:30h: Free afternoon and Farewell Dinner at night

Saturday: end of program.


Všechny úrovně, začátečník až velmi pokročilý
První den vyplníte test, který potvrdí úroveň Vašich znalostí. Můžete tento test vyplnit také před svým příjezdem do Biarritz.

Velikost třídy

Průměr 8 studentů
Maximum 13 studentů

Věk studentů

Věkové rozpětí Ve věku nejméně 50 let
Průměr 60 let


Doklad o absolvování bude vydán po skončení kurzu.
Číst více...


  • Běžná třída v Biarritz Language Courses Institute 1/19
  • City of Biarritz 2/19
  • Classes at Biarritz Language Courses Institute 3/19
  • Classes at Biarritz Language Courses Institute 4/19
  • Nabízené aktivity v Biarritz Language Courses Institute 5/19
  • Společné prostory v Biarritz Language Courses Institute 6/19
  • Běžná třída v Biarritz Language Courses Institute 7/19
  • Počítačová místnost v Biarritz Language Courses Institute 8/19
  • Budova Biarritz Language Courses Institute 9/19
  • Budova Biarritz Language Courses Institute 10/19
  • Studenti Biarritz Language Courses Institute 11/19
  • City of Biarritz 12/19
  • City of Biarritz 13/19
  • City of Biarritz 14/19
  • Nabízené aktivity v Biarritz Language Courses Institute 15/19
  • Nabízené aktivity v Biarritz Language Courses Institute 16/19
  • Nabízené aktivity v Biarritz Language Courses Institute 17/19
  • Studenti Biarritz Language Courses Institute 18/19
  • Bydlení v rodinách nabízené v Biarritz Language Courses Institute 19/19


93% doporučeno

na základě 14 recenzí
5 hvězd
4 hvězdičky
3 hvězdičky
2 hvězdičky
1 hvězda
Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy

"Very useful even if short."

Isabella Favalli, studenti od Itálie

There is nothing I didn't like. I think I had an excellent teacher. I liked the school and its location. I met very nice people and I felt at ease. I learned more French in that school than in a year of school.
Every year I come to Biarritz on holiday, I think I'll take your course again. Thanks for everything.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Datum studia
29 Jul 2024 - 2 Aug 2024
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"Es war eine intensive, tolle Reise! Jederzeit wieder!!"

Sigrid Weidinger, studenti od Rakousko

Der Unterricht war sehr abwechslungsreich und interessant gestaltet. Die Schule und Lehrer haben eine sehr persönliche und familiäre Atmosphäre geschaffen. Das Nachmittagsprogramm war sehr umfangreich und es wurde vielerlei geboten!! Bei den Exkursionen wurde teilweise zu wenig auf uns schwächere Schüler (A2/B1) eingegangen, es wurde zu schnell gesprochen und wir haben dadurch leider nicht alles über die Geschichte und die Tradition etc. verstanden.
Bei meiner Gastfamilie war es perfekt, ich hätte allerdings bevorzugt, wenn man nur Frühstück nehmen hätte können. Abends wollten wir gerne ans Meer und nicht an Essenszeiten gebunden sein. Leider wurde das nicht angeboten.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
1 týden
Datum studia
3 Jun 2024 - 14 Jun 2024
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"Personalised lessons in a dream location"

Oswald Jack, studenti od Nemecko

The classes were very personal, with the low student class numbers. Classes could be tailored to one’s needs. Consequently, there was a lot of opportunity to speak to speak French. The school is small and cosy, and Biarritz is ideal for those liking the sea and mountains. I stay with a lady and had a lot of opportunity to speak French. During my stay I made significant progress.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
4 týdny
Datum studia
25 Sep 2023 - 27 Oct 2023
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"Very pleasant."

William Cartar, studenti od Kanada

The teachers all spoke in French pretty well the whole time, which was very helpful. I was only there for 1 week, but still felt I got something out of my short time there. They correctly placed me in the A2 course, which I was happy about. Tea and coffee in the morning was a nice touch. Everyone super friendly, and good facility / location. Would recommend.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Datum studia
20 Jun 2022 - 24 Jun 2022
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"Not again"

Mai Knudsen, studenti od Dánsko

I was sent in a class with students who already had a basic knowledge of French. Which made the teacher speak fast so for 90 % of the classes I didn't follow. I raised my concern, but the teacher didn't change her method or attitude. There were not time to practise the pronouncing. It wasn't until the very last week, the teacher slowed down and allowed us to talk more after the break. This was again after I raised my discomfort in the class. This type of teaching broke my confidence to learn french. When I tried to speak the teacher often took over and just continued talking. She didn't seem to have patience with students who had no knowledge of French. I am sure she is a good teacher, just not for totally beginners. This has been a waste of money for my part. I wish that no others will experience this.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
3 týdny
Datum studia
10 Jan 2022 - 4 Feb 2022
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"Thé course was a huge help for me"

Siobhan Maguire, studenti od Irsko

The teachers were very friendly and helped all the students in a positive learning environment . They encouraged us to speak up and overcome our fear of having poor accents .

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
1 týden
Datum studia
18 Oct 2021 - 29 Oct 2021
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"Relaxed French classes in a great beach town"

Audrey Kost, studenti od USA

I had a great time in Biarritz. In the summer the language school is mostly Swedish, Swiss, and Americans from 15-20 yrs old but there are some older students as well. The program doesn’t have tests or much homework, but I was motivated so I was able to hold myself accountable to mastering content and vocabulary. I went from having no former experience with French to A2 in four weeks. Biarritz is a great town to be in- after class everyone goes surfing or to the beaches and the international language community is very cool, but it is worth noting that almost everyone speaks English outside of class. There are definitely more intense language courses than BLCI, but for me it was the perfect combination of vacation and language acquisition.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
3 týdny
Datum studia
1 Jul 2019 - 26 Jul 2019
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"It was a pretty good experience."

Gilles Häfeli, studenti od Švýcarsko

The teacher was very good and funny. She didn't take things that serious but in a good way. The location is good. Not too far from the city and not too far from home. I had French & surf and i loved the surf. It was so cool. The host-mother was very kind.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
1 týden
Datum studia
8 Jul 2019 - 19 Jul 2019
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"A very good start to French"

David Buchanan, studenti od Jižní Afrika

I liked going to class every day.
It was nice to see all my friends in the morning.
I ate cookies and drank coffee.
The classrooms are very cute.
I liked my daily class.
My teacher, Andrée, always took care of me.
I felt like a member of his family.
The morning classes contained theory.
Afternoon classes were a general discussion.
I liked the general discussion.
I learned a lot during the general discussion.

I did not like the breaks.
I started at 8:30 and worked until 11am (a long time).
Then a break.
Then lunch at 12:30 (shortly after the break).
Why not take a break at 10am or 10:30 am to space things out?

I appreciate all the hard work and attention that everyone has provided.
I felt very comfortable.
The overall experience was great.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
2 týdny
Datum studia
3 Jun 2019 - 21 Jun 2019
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.

"Met my expectations"

Beatriz Marin, studenti od Španelsko

The professor for the group B1 was very good and professional, very good classes and fun. The companions were not very participatory but I managed to get the best of each student. I cannot give my opinion on host families or school activities because I was with my family and only went to school. Although I was only one week I actually managed to pass the official written exam of the language school.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Lokalita školy
Datum studia
22 Aug 2016 - 26 Aug 2016
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?
Toto je ověřená informace. Tento student si rezervoval kurz na této škole prostřednictvím Language International.
Valerie, Sales and Marketing at Biarritz Language Courses Institute responded to this review.
08 November 2016

Thank you very much for your feedback, we are glad you enjoyed your stay at BLCI

We try to have the questionnaire translated, this is a very good suggestion.

Looking forward to welcoming you again,

A bientôt à BLCI


Andreas D

Biarritz Language Courses Institute is a small school in Biarritz. It is located 10 minutes from the Center in a small house. I visited the School two summers in a row for four weeks each time, I met lovely people and the teachers are simply awesome. There are extra activities for the students every day, so if one day you don't know what to do...additionally there is an "apero" once a week, all students are invited to bring something to eat and drink, last year we even organized a BBQ...because of its familiar touch it is probably the best school in Biarritz to get in touch with people and find contact...I highly recommend to visit this school.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Délka studia
3 týdny
Datum studia
7 Jul 2014 - 1 Aug 2014
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?

"It was excellent and it really helped me in my further studies of French"

Oksana Karyakina for Ivan MAKHIN

Everything was fine. Ivan really liked the classes, teachers and their methods of studying. They differ very much than those he sees here in Russia. The studying materials were chosen carefully and with attention to student's needs.

As his private teacher I noticed that he started to speak French much more fluently after attending this language course.

He also liked very much the activities that the School provided especially surf classes. He noticed that excursions were well organized and he learned interesting facts about the city he stayed in.

It's really fantastic that his course was possible in June; any school in France provides such early dates in a year!

As for accommodation - it was also brilliant! The international environment was perfect. He didn't meet any Russian speakers, and that helped him much to practice not only his French but his English too.

I would like to hope that Ivan would choose your center again for his further language studies.

As for registration and all administrative work, I must say that it was good. After a little misunderstanding, we were able to cooperate well and find reasonable decisions for any requests. You are very fast in working with partners!

Thank you very much for an excellent experience in cooperating with you!

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
2 týdny
Datum studia
8 Jun 2014 - 22 Jun 2014
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?

"It was a splendid experience and a great education."

Julia Simakova

I liked classes very much. The teachers were great, they gave us interesting and useful activities. Speaking of locate, the course was situated a bit far from the center of Biarritz, but still fine. I liked the small number of students in each group. I would suggest having more unusual activities in class.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
1 týden
Datum studia
17 Aug 2014 - 29 Aug 2014
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?

"Nice company, nice studying"

Maria Gordeeva

It was my first time in Biarritz but not the last one. I studied two weeks, half a day. When I came I know only couple of words. For two weeks in my group there were three teachers. It broke a system a little but it afforded me to compare different types of teaching. I forgot the name of the best teacher, but she was from Paris and wore glasses.
Actually at the beginning class I got more fun then knowledge. I think it was my fault, not school's. Because I didn't know anything. To the end of the second week I could understand people speaking French.
I am very appreciate for the atmosphere at school. It was pleasant and soft. And many thanks to Isabel and especially Phillip who helped me in my way home. It was the best service that I ever had.

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Moje hodnocení školy

Kvalita výuky
Školní zařízení
Společenské aktivity
Lokalita školy
Délka studia
1 týden
Datum studia
14 Jul 2014 - 26 Jul 2014
Doporučil/a byste tuto školu?


BLCI navízí širokou škálu možností ubytování včetně:

Bydlím doma - pokoj pro dva - Snídaně a večeře

6,444 Kč

Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast and dinner

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 16 let
Místo: In the city center of Biarritz
Typ ubytování: Bydlím doma
Typ pokoje: pokoj pro dva
Jídla: Snídaně a večeře (14 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Kuchyně, prádelna, počítače, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, internet zdarma, tV místnost, koberec, topení, a zahrada
Vzdálenost do školy: 5 - 30 minut walkem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, po 02:00
Den odjezdu: sobota, před 07:00
6,444 Kč
During your stay you will share daily life with French family living in Biarritz,. You will have a private bedroom. Breakfast,r and dinner are provided Transfers (Biarritz airport or train station) arrival, departure include

Bydlím doma - Jednolužkový pokoj - Snídaně, obědy a večeře

7,250 Kč

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 16 let
Místo: In the city center of Biarritz
Typ ubytování: Bydlím doma
Typ pokoje: Jednolužkový pokoj
Jídla: Snídaně, obědy a večeře (21 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Kuchyně, prádelna, počítače, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, internet zdarma, tV místnost, koberec, topení, a zahrada
Vzdálenost do školy: 5 - 30 minut walkem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, po 02:00
Den odjezdu: sobota, před 07:00
7,250 Kč
During your stay you will share daily life with French family living in Biarritz,. You will have a private bedroom. Full board
Transfers (Biarritz from airport or train station) on arrival and departure included

Bydlím doma - pokoj pro dva - Snídaně, obědy a večeře

7,250 Kč

Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 16 let
Místo: In the city center of Biarritz
Typ ubytování: Bydlím doma
Typ pokoje: pokoj pro dva
Jídla: Snídaně, obědy a večeře (21 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Kuchyně, prádelna, počítače, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, internet zdarma, tV místnost, koberec, topení, a zahrada
Vzdálenost do školy: 5 - 30 minut walkem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, po 02:00
Den odjezdu: sobota, před 07:00
7,250 Kč
During your stay you will share daily life with French family living in Biarritz,. You will have a private bedroom. Full board Transfers (Biarritz airport or train station) arrival, departure include

Bydlím doma - Jednolužkový pokoj - Snídaně a večeře

7,330 Kč

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner

Věkové rozpětí: Ve věku nejméně 15 let
Místo: In the city center of Biarritz
Typ ubytování: Bydlím doma
Typ pokoje: Jednolužkový pokoj
Jídla: Snídaně a večeře (13 jídel za týden)
zařízení: Kuchyně, prádelna, počítače, bezdrátové připojení k internetu, internet zdarma, tV místnost, koberec, topení, a zahrada
Vzdálenost do školy: 5 - 30 minut walkem
Dostupnost: leden - prosinec
Den příjezdu: neděle, po 03:00
Den odjezdu: sobota, před 11:00
7,330 Kč
During your stay you will share daily life with your French family living in Biarritz or in the close suburb. You will have your private bedroom.
Breakfast and dinner are provided.
Transfers from Biarritz airport or train station on arrival and departure included

Pomoc s vízem

Nemůžeme žádat o víza místo studentů. Přesto, škola Vám může poskytnout všechny potřebné dokumenty, které podpoří Vaši žádost o víza.

Přijímací dokumenty Vám budou zaslány na Vaši poštovní adresu obyčejnou poštou zdarma.

Lety a přestupy

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Biarritz based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Cestovní pojištění

Studujte v zahraničí bez starostí se zdravotním a osobním pojištěním, krytým Language International. Při rezervaci kurzu s námi si můžete zvolit koupi mezinárodního pojištění, které pokryje nejen případně zdravotní výdaje, ale i ztrátu Vašeho osobního majetku. O pojištění si musíte zažádat v předstihu.

Více o našem pojistném plánu »

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